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Welcome to Waldom Electronics

Master Distributor of electronic components, providing unique supply chain solutions

Waldom is a Master Distributor of electronic components, selling exclusively to Distributors, never the end user or the OEMs. We are proudly partnered with over 50 industry leading Manufacturers and sell to a global network of 2,500 Distributors. With over 225,000 parts in stock and available at reduced MOQs, we are your go-to source for reliable, high-quality components.

We are also a problem solver. For over 75 years, Waldom has been empowering Manufacturers and Distributors to increase efficiency and maximize their profits with our unique supply chain solutions.


Years in business


Parts in stock


Distributor Partners


Manufacturer Partners


Our People

Our people are our greatest asset and the source of our success. The energy, dedication and vision our employees bring to the office daily have allowed us to become leaders in our industry.

The Waldom Family is unique, composed of people with original personalities, diverse backgrounds, and a variety of perspectives. Scattered across multiple continents, every location and every team is distinct. However we are unified by a shared ambition to drive innovation and a commitment to building meaningful relationships with each other and our partners.


Our Core Values

At Waldom, our core values are at the forefront of everything we do. They serve as the guiding principles behind every decision we make, goal we set and employee we hire. 


We build meaningful relationships


Speak openly, listen carefully


Our success is in our hands